Please note that current supported method is using the versions showed in Teams Admin Center (TAC), the information in this post is just for test/educational purposes only, use it at your own risk.
In a previous post we described Update-UcTeamsDevice cmdlet from UC Lobby Teams Module that can be used to update Android based Teams Devices.
That cmdlet uses the teamworkDevice: updateSoftware MS Graph API, to send the update request.
However, the way the cmdlet achieved this was by retrieving the current pending update (teamworkSoftwareUpdateHealth) and then use that value to send the update command to the Teams Device.
Although this works in most cases, sometimes we might need to test different versions in order to reproduce different scenarios.
In release 0.4.3 of UC Lobby Teams Module a new parameter SoftwareVersion was added to Update-UcTeamsDevice. This parameter allows to specify the version we want to upgrade.
Please note that Update-UcTeamsDevice can only update Firmware and TeamsApp on Android based Teams Devices.
We also limited to the available versions, if the version is no longer available or invalid to the specific manufacture/model, we will receive an “Unknown/Invalid” message when the update is requested.
Scenario #1 – Upgrade Firmware
In this example we have a AudioCodes C470HD that is currently on firmware 1.19.456:

And we do see an option to update to 1.19.705:

However, we want to upgrade the firmware to another version 1.19.642:
Update-UcTeamsDevice -DeviceID TAC_DEVICE_ID -UpdateType firmware -SoftwareVersion 1.19.642

After this we can go to TAC and check the upgrade status and we see it’s queued:

After a while the device will have the expected version:

Example #2 – Rollback Firmware
In this example we are on 1.19.642 and want to rollback to the previous firmware. We can use the same parameter SoftwareVersion to update to a previous firmware:
Update-UcTeamsDevice -DeviceID TAC_DEVICE_ID -UpdateType firmware -SoftwareVersion C470HD_AN_1.19.456

As you can see, we didn’t use the 1.19.456 as version input value, this is because we need to use the exact value, otherwise we will receive 404 Not Found from the Graph API request. For those cases we will see the message Unknown/Invalid Firmware in UpdateStatus.
After a while, we can see in TAC that the Software update status was Successful:

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