UCLobbyTeams 0.6.0

A new version of UCLobbyTeams PowerShell module is now available at PowerShell Gallery:

  • Install in PowerShell: Install-Module UclobbyTeams
  • If you already have the module: Update-Module UclobbyTeams

Here are the changes since last post – UCLobbyTeams 0.4.0:


  • 0.5.0
    • Feature: Added support for GCC High tenants.


  • 0.4.1
    • Feature: Added Parameter to filter for a specific SKU, only supports SKU Part Number and SKU Product Name (if UseFriendlyName is use).
    • Change: OutputPath will be for both report and “Product names and service plan identifiers for licensing.csv”.
    • Change: Report will included a column with all service plans, when empty the license doesn’t have the service, and “On/Off” will be the status of the assigned license service plan.
    • Change: Added execution time to the output.
    • Fix: Issue when generating a report on a tenant with a large number of users.
  • 0.6.0
    • Feature: Added switch DuplicateServicePlansOnly, this will generate an output with users that have the same service plan from different assigned licenses.


  • 0.4.4
    • This cmdlet was removed.


  • 0.4.4
    • This cmdlet was removed.


  • 0.6.0
    • New cmdlet: Generate a report with OneDrive’s that have more than a user with access permissions.


  • 0.4.2
    • Feature: Add support for new Teams version.
  • 0.4.4
    • Feature: Add support for New Teams on a Remote Computer.
    • Feature: Add support for New Teams from Path
    • Feature: Add column Type which will have New Teams or Classic Teams.
    • Change: Removed column Region.
    • Change: Use Get-AppPackage to determine MS Teams Installation Path and remove the requirement of administrative rights.
    • Fix: In some scenarios the install date was missing and generating an error.


  • 0.4.1
    • Fix: Exception was thrown when MAC Address was blank
  • 0.5.1
    • Change: Added ConnectionStatus and ConnectionLastActivity in the detailed output.
    • Change: Display date and time in the current system time zone for WhenCreated, WhenChanged, LastHistoryModifiedDate, ConfigurationCreateDate and ConfigurationLastModifiedDate.


  • 0.4.3
    • Feature: Added parameter SoftwareVersion to specify the version.
    • Change: If only one device is updated then the output will be on PowerShell window and not generate an output file.


  • 0.5.0
    • New cmdlet: Check if the DNS entries that were previously required are still configured.


  • 0.4.2
    • Fix: Output was empty when only -Detailed Switch was used.
  • 0.6.0
    • Feature: Added support for Android Open Source Project (AOSP) Enrollment Profiles.


  • 0.5.1
    • Fix: Only the applicable settings will be checked for Android AOSP compliance policies.

Main module page: UC Lobby Teams PowerShell module
Source code available: GitHub – UCLobbyTeams

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