UCLobby Teams 0.1.3

A new version is now available in PowerShell Gallery and here are the changes included: Get-UcTeamVersion Fixed the issue where the version was only showing 4 digits.Added information for Ring, Environment, Region. Get-UcTeamUsersEmail New cmdlet that returns a list of users email address that are part of a Team Get-UcTeamsWithSingleOwner This function returns a list … Continue reading UCLobby Teams 0.1.3


Update 2024/03/15 - This cmdlet was removed on version 0.4.4 after Skype for Business Online deprecation. Sometimes, we get asked which forest customers should use when moving a user to Microsoft Teams in the Move-CsUser. A quick way to check the forest is to open the following link in a browser: https://webdir.online.lync.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscoverservice.svc/root?originalDomain=uclobby.com In the response … Continue reading Get-UcTeamsForest