Update 2024/03/01 – We can use Get-AppPackage to get the New Teams Installation Location
In the past we published a post Teams: Check client version using PowerShell, that post only covered Teams Classic. With the announcement of the New Teams, we also need to update the way we check the version with PowerShell.
Announcing general availability of the new Microsoft Teams app for Windows and Mac
In the New Teams using PowerShell, the version information was moved to Settings in the Teams client:

Then in the bottom left we can find About:

In the About window, we can see the Microsoft Teams version and the date it was updated.
The New Teams client will be installed under C:\Program Files\Windowsapps, this means that it will require to run PowerShell with elevated permissions.
We can use the following one-liner PowerShell cmdlet to get the current version and when was updated:
Get-ItemProperty -Path ((Get-AppPackage MSTeams).InstallLocation + ".\ms-teams.exe") | Select-Object -Property @{Name='Version'; Expression={$_.VersionInfo.ProductVersion}},@{Name='InstallDate'; Expression={ $_.CreationTime}}

Please note that we are using the creation date of ms-teams.exe as the Installation date, this is because each version will be in installed in a different folder.
We can simplify the previous cmdlet if we only version information:
(Get-AppPackage MSTeams).Version

The Get-UCTeamsVersion (part of UCLobbyTeams) will also return the New Teams version since version 0.4.2.