SfB Server: Moving Central Management to a pool with SQL Server AlwaysOn BackEnd

In a previous post, we described how to configure AlwaysOn Availability Groups for Skype for Business Server 2015: Deploying SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group for Skype for Business Server 2015 That same post covers a green field deployment, but in this one we are going to work on a scenario where the xds and lis … Continue reading SfB Server: Moving Central Management to a pool with SQL Server AlwaysOn BackEnd

SfB Server Component Version using Get-CsServerPatchVersion

The recent November 2015 Cumulative Update for Skype for Business Server 2015 added the Get-CsServerPatchVersion to the available PowerShell cmdlets. This new PowerShell cmdlet replaces the previous methods (Windows Registry and WMI Classes). To get the Skype4B Server Component Version: Skype for Business Server 2015 Component Version using PowerShell We need to make sure that … Continue reading SfB Server Component Version using Get-CsServerPatchVersion

Lync/SfB Server: Test-CsDatabase uses local server to determine ExpectedVersion

While doing some lab testing we notice the Test-CsDatabase uses the local server current update to verify which is the expected version. As an example, in our lab we have pool.gears.lab with January 2014 Cumulative Update and it will return the following: Test-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn sql01.gears.lab | Select SqlServerFqdn, SqlInstanceName, DatabaseName, InstalledVersion, ExpectedVersion | ft -AutoSize … Continue reading Lync/SfB Server: Test-CsDatabase uses local server to determine ExpectedVersion

Hyper-V: Configure VLAN Trunk on Kemp LoadMaster

One of the Load Balancers that we have in our lab is LoadMaster from Kemp Technologies. We already published an article on how to deploy it: UC Lobby: Deploying Kemp Technologies Free LoadMaster as Lab Load Balancer/Reverse Proxy Why do we need to enable VLAN Trunk? The reason for this is that our lab "router" reached … Continue reading Hyper-V: Configure VLAN Trunk on Kemp LoadMaster

PSScript: Lync/SfB Server Certification Store Validation

In a previous post, we published the checks/validations that we should do in the Certification Store in the Lync/SfB servers. Checks to do in the Lync/SfB Certificate Store We decided to write a PowerShell with all these checks to make it simple to use. The script will be kept in sync with the post, meaning that … Continue reading PSScript: Lync/SfB Server Certification Store Validation

Address Book search for “First + Last Name” when Display Name is “Last, First Name” (WebSearchOnly)

It is quite common to have users stored in Active Directory (AD) with "Last, First Name" (e. g., "Paulino, David"). Since Lync/SfB is heavily dependent on AD, what will happen to users that want to search for "First + Last Name"? Regarding the Address Book download, this is an issue that has already been discussed … Continue reading Address Book search for “First + Last Name” when Display Name is “Last, First Name” (WebSearchOnly)

Last + First name searches in Lync/SfB Address Book (GalContacts.db)

In a previous post in Joe Calev's WebLog, we were shown how to enable Last + First name searches in Lync Server: That workaround works for WebSearchAndFileDownload and FileDownloadOnly — what we basically need is the GalContacts.db file. Recently, Joe Calev's workaround was introduced in Lync Server 2013 (Nov 2014 Cumulative Update) and it is also … Continue reading Last + First name searches in Lync/SfB Address Book (GalContacts.db)

Lync/SfB Server: Windows/Service Fabric version List

Update 2020/12/21 - New PowerShell cmdlet to include Service Fabric in Skype for Business Server 2019. In a previous post related to checking the Lync/Skype for Business Server component version, we forgot to mention about Windows/Service Fabric: Lync Server Component Version using PowerShell (Windows Registry) Skype for Business Server 2015 Component Version using PowerShell When … Continue reading Lync/SfB Server: Windows/Service Fabric version List

Lync/SfB: Different scenarios using EnableSkypeUI option

The Lync/SfB Client April 2015 update introduced the new SkypeUI. For some this post may be late, but we still see some confusion on what we have to do before applying the update or which scenarios are available. The article in the link below describes the configuration that we need to do: Configure the client experience … Continue reading Lync/SfB: Different scenarios using EnableSkypeUI option

Lync/SfB Server: Checking for duplicate entries in the Active Directory Configuration Partition

While troubleshooting the issue described in Checking for "ms-RTC-SIP-TrustedServer" multiple Active Directory entries with PowerShell, we encountered more duplicates for the same server, so we decided to compile all in one place. Like in our previous post Checks to do in the Lync/SfB Certificate Store, this list will also be updated and, again, you are … Continue reading Lync/SfB Server: Checking for duplicate entries in the Active Directory Configuration Partition